Love Carries Me Home is the resonating new folk album from Tallulah Rendall, the sixth full-length from the Stroud, UK-based artist. Rendall says that the release is “inspired by the complex reality of the pandemic, navigating themes of love, loss, the death of my father and the collective hope for a better future,” — referring to the release as “a call to stewardship for the natural world.”
The overall thematic approach — striving for positive energy in the “you are loved just as you are,” refrain on the opening track and continuing throughout — also takes influence from a meditation practice during 2020’s lockdowns. The act of sending love out into the world, for those who are struggling, became a daily ritual for the artist, and that’s reflected in these songs, which reflect a hope and call for unity.
“Love Carries Me Home” is another standout, melding trickling acoustics and forlorn strings with a radiant expression of how love can lighten the way — and re-ignite hope and feeling, magnified in the soulful vocal layering past the introduction. The epic “Peace Inside” furthers that carefree frolicking, while “Expanse of You” sends chills with a ghostly folk engrossment. Love Carries Me Home presents a compelling folk entrancement from start to finish.
“Expanse of You” and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Indie Folk’ Spotify playlist.
We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.