Tokyo City Groove show a thrilling, grooving Latin-inspired jazz fusion sound on new single “Visions,” which incorporates city-pop glitziness in its brassy pushes and exuberant rhythms. The Tokyo-based duo of drummer Kenta Kitamura and bassist Kaoru Yamauchi formed last year, and have since performed shows at live venues like Shibuya Space Odd and Shibuya Jz Brat, many of them sold out. Naturally, their music emphasizes the power of a rhythm section, from a couple of self-described “rhythm geeks.”
Free-flowing percussive fills and shimmering organs kickstart the vibrant introduction, traversing into a city-pop piano charisma thereafter with evident Latin percussive flair. Yamauchi’s delectable bass line emerges alongside, and tasteful brass infusions join the party as well. A haunting piano solo, just before the three-minute turn, sends chills before an invigorating finale, wherein the dazzling rhythm spell combines with suave keys for a thrilling conclusion to this standout success from Tokyo City Groove.
This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of December 2023’ Spotify playlist.
We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.