Listen: Max Havas - "Why am I so fucking tired?"

Max Havas – “Why am I so fucking tired?”


Los Angeles-based artist Max Havas grips with vocal passion and colorful synth-forward movements throughout his new track “Why am I so fucking tired?” The track’s steady structural build complements lyrics that depict “bodily undoing and exhaustion,” contrasted by the effervescent synth tones and perky percussive snaps.

The “gives me the blues,” vocal refrain consumes amidst the swelling synths, traversing into bouncy infectiousness and escalating vocal passion. The biting “make yourself useful,” sequence plays especially well through the passionate synth unveiling, leading to an abrupt yet satisfying conclusion. “Why am I so fucking tired?” is a riveting, infectious success from Max Havas.

This track and others featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of May 2022’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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