As a singer, your voice is your instrument. Vocal training can teach you to harness the power of your voice, but there are still challenges you may face. Any damage to your vocal cords can impact your ability to perform. If you dream of becoming a successful musician, then the last thing you want is to inadvertently damage your most valuable asset. Since it is no secret that music can protect your mental health you definitely want to protect the music that you, yourself, are making. To protect your vocal cords and keep your voice strong, here are five things to keep in mind.
Know Your Range
Overstraining your vocal cords can be painful and damaging. While you may want to belt out mind-blowing high notes, it might not be in your range. Your voice will sound the best when you’re singing at the right levels. The notes that specifically suit your range will all sound stronger and clearer while being easier on the throat. If you want to improve your vocal range, training with a coach is the best option.
Do Warmups
Warming up your voice regularly can prevent strain and hoarseness. Warmups gently stretch the vocal cords, clear any liquid from the throat, and make it easier to sing clearly. Just like you stretch before exercising, warmups are an integral part of preparation that prevent injury. They’re simple, easy to remember and only take a few minutes. You’ll eventually notice a huge difference in the quality of your performances after warming up before diving right into a song.
Avoid Heavy Smoking
Smoking exposes the throat to hot temperatures that can lead to tissue decay and permanent voice damage. In addition, smoke leads to inflammation and irritation, which harms your signing and can lead to hoarseness. While it’s best not to smoke at all, you can reduce some of the harmful effects by switching from cigarettes to a vaporizer. Browse a collection online to choose from an array of portable or desktop options to purchase.
Limit Your Volume
Do not strain your throat by constantly trying to project your voice as loudly as possible. Singing loudly might have an impact, but it doesn’t make you instantly sound better. In fact, many coaches teach their students to sing with power over sound. This means you learn to project your voice rather than defaulting to the highest volume for effect. Even when you’re speaking, be mindful of how loud you are. Avoid yelling and screaming as much as possible, and give your throat a rest whenever you’ve had to exert more force.
Drink Plenty of Water
Hydration is great for your mind and body, but it’s also an important component of voice health. Drinking adequate water acts as a lubricant for the vocal cords. You can avoid irritation and dryness by always having a glass of cool water nearby. Drink a cup before and after a performance to make singing easier on the throat’s muscles. You can also drink herbal teas and add a dash of honey. Honey can soothe the throat, which is important after any type of strenuous activity. Consider drinking a cup of tea with honey every night before bed.