“Hungover” is an emotive success from Goldwoman, the Brooklyn-based artist who impressed in March with the track “Midwest Ghost.” Solemn keys and escalating vocals build the track initially, driving to the yearning “why cannot this message be sent?” percussive-laden entry. “Don’t you want a happy ending?” concludes, a poignant line considering the track’s formation, written in the morning following a gig Goldwoman had played at which her ex was present. Perkier percussion and keys excel past the two-minute mark, followed by a retrospective section with yearning alongside a shower beer. “Hungover” is a resounding, sincerely passionate consumer from Goldwoman, whose self-titled LP releases on June 11th.
“Hungover” and other memorable tracks from this month can also be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of May 2021’ Spotify playlist.