Top 5 Easy Pop Songs on Ukulele

Ukuleles are fun! These instruments produce harmonious sounds, even if you play them wrongfully. Although the ukulele and the guitar are similar, most people get started with the former and subsequently go for the latter.

There are four ukulele types – soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone. The most popular options are the soprano and the concert, especially the first one due to its tiny size. The Guardian posted an article mentioning how the COVID-19 pandemic increased the ukulele’s popularity.

Isn’t it great that more people are interested in learning music?

Furthermore, once you’ve learned how to play a few chords thanks to those ukulele lessons, then it would be best if you started with a few songs. 

How did we pick the songs?

Before giving you the list of songs you can play with this musical instrument, I’d like to clarify some facts.

For a song to be categorized as “easy,” it needs to follow these conditions:

  • It must possess up to four chords.
  • Those chords should allow you to use only two fingers or three maximum.
  • These songs shouldn’t use barres or anything else (like capos). 
  • It should be straightforward to learn them, even for the average beginner. 

I’ve been there! It can be hard to find easy songs with ukulele, especially when all those ukulele reviews websites mask complicated songs as “easy” when they have too many chord variations. Grab your ukulele accessories, and let’s begin with this list!

  •  “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic

This song needs to follow this chord progression: Am – C – G – F. 

“Counting Stars” by OneRepublic has become one of the greatest songs of the last decade. It’s easy to learn because their chords frequently repeat, following a particular pattern. Try to listen to the song a few times and mimic the sounds!

  • “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars 

This song needs to follow this chord progression: Dm – G – F. 

Do you want to learn something catchy and even easier? Such as a song used by an online gambling casino. Try to get some of that Uptown Funk. You likely heard this hit song EVERYWHERE, so we doubt you’ll have a hard time learning it. Chances are it hasn’t left your head in a long time!

  • “Let it Be” by The Beatles.

This song needs to follow this chord progression: C – Am – F – G. 

Although The Beatles are one of the most successful musical acts of all time, their song is pretty easy to learn as they follow repetitive patterns. And, of course, they are catchy! We’ve all heard “Let it Be” at least once in our lifetime. 

  • “Whistle” by Flo Rida

This song needs to follow this chord progression: Am – F – C – G.

Yes, we know that Flo Rida is a rapper, but “Whistle” can be categorized as a pop song. The melody you can hear throughout the song is hard to forget, so you’ll learn it pretty quick!

  • Four Five Seconds – Rihanna 

This song needs to follow this chord progression: C – F – Am – G.

This song was a strange combination – Rihanna, Kanye West, and Paul McCartney. But it’s catchy, and the best part, it follows a hugely easy chord progression!


I listen to and write about music!

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