“Something To Look Forward To” is a captivating, evolving track from Brooklyn-based act Ritual Talk. A highlight from their debut LP, released on Friday, the track evolves from murky lo-fi ruminations to crisply melodic accompaniments. “Everybody says my days are numbers,” the weary vocals start, ascending just after the two-minute mark into twangy clarity. The final minute is whirring and beautiful, with symphonic touches aiding the now-clear vocals and guitar accompaniments. The track plays like the progression of a foggy landscape into one that’s entirely clear, now showcasing a beautiful sunrise.
“Something To Look Forward To” and other memorable tracks from this month can also be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of September 2018’ Spotify playlist.
This is great. The first 2 minutes of the song is up there with sufjan and bon Iver
Best regards Martin