Premiered on BBC Radio 1 by Phil Taggart last night, “Seen It Before” is a blissful new track from Newcastle-based act Headclouds. Their second release, the track is another peek at their forthcoming debut EP Pure Honey, after their debut track “Flowers”. “Seen It Before” pursues a straightforward and catchy rock approach in the first 01:30 or so, showcasing a bevy of interesting melodic transitions thereafter, notably the hook to a more twinkling folk-laden moment at at 02:29; the maneuvering from guitar-heavy layering to this gorgeous hook is expertly sewn. British Sea Power comes to mind as a point of comparison with the powerful and melodic guitar-heavy presence and knack for melodic hooks.
Headclouds – “Seen It Before”
by Mike Mineo
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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