Jane Machine’s “I Hope We Win” is her introduction, the first release off her first LP. She describes the track as “sad danceable pop … about how we dull ourselves down for approval.” Her voice shows enjoyable range, showing both haunting backing croons and an entrancing lead amidst the synth-pop delivery, which touts an ’80s tone though with a sleek modern edge. Erica von Trapp, the brainchild behind the project, draws inspiration from years spent in Paris, where she started producing electronic music and met her partner Jules de Gasperies, who hired her for his new-wave project. The duo performs together under the name GRAND BAIN, living in Los Angeles. Jane Machine’s debut LP Back Seat Driver contains this particular highlight, an excellent demonstration of von Trapp’s numerous audible talents.
Jane Machine – “I Hope We Win”
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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