mk.gee is the project of Michael Gordon, who alternates between New Jersey and Los Angeles, keeping constant a sleek sound that on new single “Low Lights” showcases psych-friendly guitar work reminiscent of War on Drugs (especially the swipes at 01:29) in addition to a synth-tinged bout of lo-fi production akin to Ducktails. The track is the “sunshine booty shaker off of Mk.gee’s first project, 8ams”, reminiscing “on nostalgic weekend nights with the help of lo-fi, grainy R&B Indie.” The tranquil guitar twangs, intermittent synth work, and steady rhythm section shows a nocturnal arsenal with ample melodic charm.
mk.gee – “Low Lights”
by Mike Mineo
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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