“Field Trip” is precisely that from an audible standpoint — a genre-traversing field trip from Boston-based Kaz Gamble, of indie-pop duo Gamble & Burke. Yes, he recorded the track’s vocals on his laptop microphone, but it’s no worse for wear. Beginning with a clanking acoustic lead and nonchalant vocals, the arrival of twangy guitars and more active rhythms at the 40-second mark is cohesively ushered in. At this point, the track has already ventured from consuming folk to twangy psych-rock in less than a minute, with the choir-like “field trip!” exultation just past the one-minute mark showcasing a fun, infectious garage-rock side before the folk-y verse returns. It all makes for a very successful track with plenty of charisma and successful stylistic maneuvering, akin to Beck in a sense.
Kaz Gamble – “Field Trip”
by Mike Mineo
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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