Nic Nassuet puts out a rich and haunting sound on his track “She Rides Moonlight”, where acoustics, strings, and a stirring voice conjures an arsenal not too distant from the likes of “Battle of Evermore”. Off his new album Eleutherios, “She Rides Moonlight” finds Nassuet at a natural point considering his progression as a musician; he started playing violin at age 10 and has toured with several prominent orchestras throughout Europe since then, including the renowned Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. To boot, Nassuet has starred in a variety of musicals, like Sweeney Todd and Doomsday Cabaret. String instruments and richly dark narratives seem to be a trend in the career, so the sincerity of “She Rides Moonlight” makes sense. It’s a stellar effort from a skilled songwriter.
Nic Nassuet – “She Rides Moonlight”
by Mike Mineo
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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