“Trouble Is Real” is a wonderful track that reminds favorably of Dr. Dog, Wilco, Kurt Vile and a few other talented acts who incorporate the classic schematics of acts like The Band and Harry Nilsson into a contemporary indie-rock arsenal. The swooning guitar twangs, sound rhythm section, and central hook-filled chorus make for an excellent rockin’ assortment that starts and finishes strong, elevated particularly by a chorus driven by the charismatic vocals and collaborative keys and guitar twangs. The bridge just past the two-minute provides for some excellent melodic variety as well, capped off by the deliciously repeating “the trouble is real” outro chorus and fading key tremolo. I’m a big fan of this track and what this talented group from Tempe, Arizona are churning out. Seriously a great sound.
“Trouble Is Real” is off Huckleberry’s upcoming albumĀ Problems, due out this September. Grab it on the band’s Bandcamp when it’s out.