San Diego-based indie-pop project Speaker In Reverse delivers a smoothly infectious sound on “Holy Girl”. The track offers several memorable moments in its 3+ minutes, occurring often when the twangy pedal steel provides a moody backdrop. For instance, in the minute-long conclusion, this twang combines with playful key twinkles and melodic wordless additives to result in the understated infectiousness that play-it-cool indie-pop often strives for. Itai Faierman’s vocals provide just the right balance of retrospective nonchalance and emotive hooks; his delivery reminds me fondly of Voxtrot’s Ramesh Srivastava. Let’s hope Speaker In Reverse builds off similar momentum.
Speaker In Reverse – “Holy Girl”
by Mike Mineo
Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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