Elephant is the capable duo of Amelia Rivas and Christian Pinchbeck, who combine for a delightful take on nostalgic pop music with their love for spontaneously retro production. Their new track, “Shapeshifter”, seems culled from a ’70s spy film, when the recent transition to color made all films have an odd sort of hypnotic glow. Add the stunningly melodic nonchalance of Rivas’ vocals, and you have a track made of delicately empowered nostalgia and seduction. “Take me back to your room,” she purrs at one point, seductively in sync with the nostalgic strings and rhythmic effervescence. Pinchbeck’s marvelous production is as if a soul songwriting legend (Thom Bell) got together with a prolific arranger for film scores, like Angelo Badalamenti. Despite all the comparisons, “Shapeshifter” is a highly original piece of magic that’s both engrossing and highly reminiscent.
Elephant – “Shapeshifter”
by Mike Mineo
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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