“Vaya” is a stirring track from talented NJ-based singer/songwriter EdTang, who hails from the historically rich musical town of Asbury Park. “Vaya” is one of several gems on his full-length release Goodbye, Zen5, Sushi Dinner, an album whose production process included help from famed engineer Alan Douches (My Morning Jacket, Deer Tick, Sufjan Stevens). As the album is about “hope, longing, and the waning twilight of youth”, “Vaya” is a great place to start. The vocals are smoky and rich, perfect for a narrative songwriter in the vein of Tom Waits, who alongside Asbury Park staple Bruce Springsteen appear to be influences for EdTang. An interesting, almost Celtic-y progression kicks off the next verse, showing EdTang’s thunderous range. The song travels excitedly from there, with an emotive “mid-life heart attack” lead-up to the chorus that works wonderfully. It’s just one of many highlights off Goodbye, Zen5, Sushi Dinner, which you can stream in full below:
EdTang – “Vaya”
by Mike Mineo
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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