Formed in 2011, Brooklyn rock quartet Glass Elephant show an excelled knack for polished hooks on their debut album, Atlantic. This is best shown on “Cedar Shake Home”, which progresses from fairly straightforward indie-rock beginnings into a guitar-driven flurry of melodic whimsy; the bridge to the chorus, with its angular guitar lead and slight woodwinds, is fantastically executed — and the chorus that ensues, while understated, lives up to the billing. This is a pleasant introduction from Glass Elephant show them as a group to keep your eyes on, one comparing favorably to polished rock acts like Ghosty and Mason Proper. This is yet another promising submission from the burgeoning Brooklyn indie-rock scene.
Glass Elephant – “Cedar Shake Home”
by Mike Mineo
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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