MP3: Meowtain – “Hex”
Meowtain are an energetic young trio led by the strong vocal presence of Lizzie Gomez, whose shouts and brooding tonal shifts on “Hex” resemble a rock ‘n’ roll teen prodigy with an odd knack for capturing punk variants. The recording quality is muddled and hazy, but the latter contributes nicely to the blatant garage-punk sound the trio replicates so well. “I’m gonna make it, I’m gonna take it, I’m gonna change it, you don’t know my language!” she declares at the end of the snarling chorus, aptly sounding like a snot-nosed punk over – well – raucous punk and garage-rock. It’s like Smoosh with more attitude, or a very over-qualified “Battle of the Bands” act. It’s rare for grown musicians to capture such a youthful energy and flow, but this trio from Olympia, Washington are an exception.
Gomez also has a solo project, Globelamp, worth checking out:
theres 4 of them.