Converse’s ongoing Three Artists series encourages collaboration, and their animated video for “DoYaThing” is a surefire indication of this. James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) and Andre 3000 (Outkast) transform into Jamie Hewlett-penned cartoons, literally entering the world of Gorillaz and Damon Albarn — who is certainly no stranger to collaboration.
Directed by the visual side of Gorillaz, Jamie Hewlett, the music video fuses the animated world of Gorillaz with real life footage, and real life routines. If you ever wanted to see a Gorillaz character wake up in his underwear, scratch his ass in the bathroom, make some toast, and read The Newspaper, here’s your chance. It’s a normal routine for an all-star cast, whose house is far from cleanly. Their tunes though? Clean as a whistle. I wish more corporate campaigns were like this.