Sam and Louise Sullivan – “Maybe It’s Love”


Philadelphia-based family band Sam and Louise Sullivan deliver a funky, soulful timelessness on new single “Maybe It’s Love.” Both vocalists excel with a melodic, escalating spirit amidst funk-friendly bass bounces and chiming keys, arriving into the “looks like love,” outpouring; the tender guitar tones there and in the title-touting introspection prove especially catching, as does the mid-point bridge. “Maybe It’s Love” is an alluring new single from Sam and Louise Sullivan, who elaborate further on the release, below:

“Maybe It’s Love is a song about how playing it cool—and maybe even being cool—is overrated, especially when it comes to love. We got the idea for the song from seeing “Last Days of Disco” and hearing Foster Sylvers’ “Misdemeanor” at around the same time. That’s a heady combination indeed. Sam stole the idea for a lyric with the phrase “just as sure as” in it from Jem. We searched a long time for the right word to fill in the rest of that phrase, and finally stumbled serendipitously on “Baltimore.” There’s a tune that we added at the end of the song to give it some transatlantic flair—can any of our trad-heads help us remember the name? Kevin also captured a cassette version of the song that features Louise whistling…be sure to check that one out, too.”

This and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Emerging Singles’ Spotify playlist.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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