Erin Enderlin – “Last Call” (feat. Cliff & Susan)


A compelling collaborative single, “Last Call” comes via Erin Enderlin and Cliff & Susan. The track, co-written by Enderlin, originally found success in 2008 with a version recorded by Lee Ann Womack. That single reached #14 on Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, and represented Womack’s first Top 20 hit in three years. “Last Call” had clear success back then, and this fresh version — now featuring Little Rock-based married duo Cliff & Susan — continues to captivate.

Enderlin’s lead vocals and guitar work enthrall throughout the track, while Susan’s additions on backing vocals and keys contribute to the melodic, illuminated engrossment. Cliff’s various contributions — backing vocals, bass, drums, and fiddle — round out the fantastic production. “We are so proud and honored to bring this track to the world,” explains Cliff, who mixed and produced the effort at Arkansas-based Big Red Dog Productions studio.

“I recognized your number,” Enderlin’s vocals open amidst lonesome-sounding acoustics and gorgeous fiddle infusions. The “bet you’re in a bar,” sequence is especially enthralling into the central hook, with the backing vocals bolstering in the “we had our last call,” finality. “Last Call” continues to show itself as a beautiful piece of songwriting from Enderlin, enhanced further on this new production.

We discovered this release via MusoSoup, as part of the artist’s promotional campaign.

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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