Filled with themes of resistance and dystopia, “Duck Fat” is a thoroughly gripping effort from Astro Tan, who dig through the “multi-layered cake” of life’s drives on this stirring release. The group will be dropping their debut full-length, Canary, a month from today (2/24), and “Duck Fat” is our first look. The Portland, OR-based trio have impressed before, with their eclectic style showcased on previously featured tracks like “Hips” and “Whiskey + Water“, though “Duck Fat” (along with the next upcoming single and presumably others on the album) touts a more fuller-bodied orchestral feel that finds the act at their most majestic yet. Swelling brass, developing cinematic percussion, and a lively piano presence help highlight a beautifully produced effort.
Astro Tan – “Duck Fat”
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Mike Mineo
I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.
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