Video: Islands - "Hallways" -- Obscure Sound

Video: Islands – “Hallways”

Islands released the video for “Hallways“, an infectiously upbeat highlight off their new album A Sleep & A Forgetting. Directed by Lex Halaby and puppeteer Toben Seymour, it features “the band’s singer-songwriter Nick Thorburn performing with, and then joining, an exuberant band of skeleton musicians.” According to Halaby, the video’s concept was born from the influence Max Fleischer cartoons had on Thorburn. “‘The Skeleton Dance’ (1929) caught our eye and sparked the concept. We loved the idea of bringing an entire skeleton band to life,” Halaby said. “We also wanted an animated world that looked more like stop motion animation. The skeleton puppets were brought to life by four puppeteers, each one controlling the arms, legs, torso, and head. It was a team effort in every single shot.”

MP3: Islands – The Arm

MP3: Islands – Rough Gem

A Sleep & A Forgetting  is out now on Anti/Epitaph.

Official Site / BUY

Mike Mineo

I'm the founder/editor of Obscure Sound, which was formed in 2006. Previously, I wrote for PopMatters and Stylus Magazine.

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